100 Word Challenge Week 7

“80 push-ups now!” shouted Mr Phillips.

“I don’t want to,” moaned James “why do I have to?”

“Because I said so! Now do as I say!” screamed the bulky teacher.

“Jeez, I hate Mr Phillips.” groaned William.

“Doesn’t everyone?” replied back Josh.

It was a horrible, wet, gloomy day and Mr Phillips had taken his P.E class out for P.E. Mr Phillips despised his class and did everything in his power to punish them for no reason.

“What did you say Mr William Coban?” said Mr Phillips suspiciously. “Two laps around the field now!”

“I’m not going to!” shouted back William.

“What did you say?” said Mr Phillips, and he swung his big fist straight at William’s face.


  1. Wow, Matt. This is great writing! I love the use of dialogue. Excellent punctuation too which really helps make the story zing along. What an ending! I remember a PE teacher like that! I will nominate this as it's very well written. Keep writing, and write a lot outside the 100 word challenge too. Have you ever thought of longer forms, like short story writing or plays? Take a look at this website: https://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Play-Script or this one which has some free scripts already written for performance: https://www.thoughtco.com/free-one-act-plays-2713599

  2. i think that is child abuse but you have lots of good punctuation


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