100 Word Challenge Week 10

“Look at that pretty gorilla!” exclaimed Cameron with joy.

A gorilla sat there in a brick cage with a bright yellow bow.

“This is so boring,” complained Sam. “why do we have to come?”

“It's so interesting! Look its running around now!” said Cameron trying to cheer up Sam.

Suddenly the gorilla burst out of the cage running around like a mad man. Everyone panicked and started screaming and running in all directions. Complete mayhem broke out, tables turned and people scrambling to get out of the zoo.

“Come on Cameron, let’s get out of here!” screamed Sam above the chaos.


  1. well done on using around 5 deffrent forms of punctuation.

  2. good job on using about 4~5 different punctuations!

  3. Great job on you story you have used a lot of good punctuation and your story is really good.

  4. Hi Matthew,
    Well done on your entry this week. You've used the prompt words really well in your story. You've done a great job with the speech marks too, they can be a bit tricky.
    You've used some great vocabulary too.
    Great work this week well done.
    Ms Brennock
    Team 100 w/c
    Dublin, Ireland


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